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Petrol Prices in 2018

Massive Petrol Price Drop Expected for December

Petrol Price in DEC Expect a massive petrol price drop in December. The AA has stated that motorists can expect a “massive petrol price reduction” in December. The price drop could be tempered by adjustments in the retail and wholesale margin, however, and “the possible continued use of the Slate Levy”, it added. It stated…

December fuel price cuts could be bigger

December fuel price cuts could be bigger. Johannesburg – South Africans are looking forward to some significant petrol diesel price relief in December, and current data shows that the decreases in prices could be even bigger than expected. Around mid-November, fuel price data from the Central Energy Fund pointed to decreases in the region of…

Expect a massive petrol price drop in December

South African motorists May be in for an early Christmas present at the pumps in December, with the latest data forecasting a R1.50 petrol price cut. Based on the mid-month data published by the Central Energy Fund, movements in the petrol price currently show an over-recovery of 151 cents and 154 cents for 93 and…

Petrol price Nov 2018

petrol station for sale eastern cape

Announcement The Department of Energy has published the fuel price adjustments for November 2018 – announcing no changes to petrol prices, with another nasty hike for diesel. According to the department both grades of petrol (93 and 95) will see no increase of decrease, while diesel will be going up by between 48 and 51…

R1.20 petrol price increase expected for October

Price Increase Expected The petrol price is expected to increase by around R1.20-R1.30 per litre in October 2018, with additional increases expected in November and December. Economist Dawie Roodt said it was highly unlikely that this petrol price increase is based on the existing formula used by the energy department to calculate under or over-recovery….

Fuel prices – R20 per litre is forecast

How rising fuel prices are affecting driver habits and crushing service stations – as R20 per litre is forecast According to Lightstone and Tracker As per new data from Lightstone and Tracker shows how rising fuel prices have impacted driver behaviour in South Africa – with economists forecasting worse conditions in 2019. Some economists have…

Here is the expected petrol price for August

Expected Petrol Price for August Motorists can expect the price of fuel to rise for a fifth consecutive month in August, according to the Automobile Association (AA), which was commenting on unaudited mid-month fuel price data released by the Central Energy Fund. It comes after the Department of Energy announced a hike in petrol in…

Petrol price hike is an attack on the poor

Petrol price hike is an attack on the poor The latest petrol price increase by a record 82 cents a litre is totally unacceptable. It cannot be justified on any grounds. High international oil prices and the weakening of the rand – reasons given for the massive increase, simply do not hold water. It is…